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Olive Brassington Wells Dressing Quiz C/D 7Th September 2024 Flora, Fauna, Folk

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ojoj | 12:32 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Folk: Peoples of the world: Sleep with Open University at home (7) Record French name in reverse (6)

F Words: Trend on scary monsters and super freaks (7)Department in far west occupied by Bretons (9)

Flora: Tasty article in Roman house (7) Umpire gets into some hard work (7)

Fauna: I hear Ringo could be a lily or a stag (6) One of many making a conurbation (5)

Your help would be much appreciated. 




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Flora  Vanilla

FAuna Beetle

Flora  Trefoil

f words 


F words. Maybe Fashion, which is a track on the David Bowie album Scary Monsters and Super Creeps (not Freaks).

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Olive Brassington Wells Dressing Quiz C/D 7Th September 2024 Flora, Fauna, Folk

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