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The Week 1426 15D & 23D

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MargeSimpson | 19:03 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Parsing pls for...

15D In which tourists may have been for a ride = rickshaw, presumably.

23D Copper missing poison that's hard to find = rare, presumably.



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(Cu - copper) rare, curare is a poison
19:04 Tue 13th Aug 2024

(Cu - copper) rare, curare is a poison

Rickshaws carry passengers - tourists?

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@Scorpiojo curare is a newnonenon me, thanks.

For 15D, I was hoping for something less literal, since it's supposed to be a cryptic. :)


Yes, me too :)

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The Week 1426 15D & 23D

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