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Scouts - British Landmarks

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Janmatt | 20:12 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

Can anybody help me with my last  7 which I cannot find.

17. Flitwick's stronghold (7,6)

29. Wealthy river mouth rec (8,4)

30. Outwit town noggin (11,4)

36. Provoking features (3,7)

39. Reserving leg for Charlie (10,6)

44. Sheeran in chartered town fort (9,6)


Many thanks in advance for any ideas/answers.



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You've only given us 6 clues
20:20 Tue 13th Aug 2024

44 Ed in burgh castle

29 previously answered as Richmond Park by mallyh

36 The Needles

17 Hogwart Castle

30 Flam borough head?

30 Flamborough Head

^  forget mine, I misread the qn!

17 Alnwick Castle (Hogwarts/Prof Flitwick)

39 Buckingham palace

39    Buckingham Palace?

You've only given us 6 clues

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Thanks scorpions, yeah I figured one out whilst typing it, but forgot to alter it. Thanks for your answers.

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Scouts - British Landmarks

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