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Why Would Anyone Buy Plastic Clothes Pegs?

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sandyRoe | 16:25 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
44 Answers

They get brittle after a while on the clothes line and when broken are a source of pollution.

Wouldn't wooden ones win in a comparison test?



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Fancy geting hung up on pegs
19:18 Wed 14th Aug 2024

Comparison here:

(I use neither type.  Most of my washing goes in a tumble drier at the launderette.  Anything needing handwashing is either dried on a clothes hanger or an over-bath airer).

Yes, IME wooden ones more durable (and grip better too).


Wooden ones can stain clothes.  

Wooden ones can mould too.

Key is, with either is to take them in.

I buy plastic ones.  I also use them for sealing open bags in the kitchen when I cannot sensibly vacuum seal stuff (ie open bags of stuff in the freezer).

I do the opposite of Barmaid.  I use the wooden ones to seal packets in the fridge.

I still do all my washing on the clothes horse.  I don't own an iron.

I don't seal food bags - I use tubs, we have them every size imaginable.

I cant believe this thread !

Khandro - why?  It seems like a sensible question.

It doesn't seem out of place for Chatterbank - chill out Khandro.

Living in Scorchio land we only need a clothes horse!

They're prettier?

I use soft-grip plastic pegs (the sort that don't leave indents on your clothes).

I've never noticed any soft-grip wooden pegs (mind you, they might be around - I've not bought any pegs for ages).

We have plastic ones in three different colours.

I get a bit OCD when hanging out washing. I cannot have a mix of colours on one item, and ideally the peg colour should match or at least compliment the item being hung up.

Am I alone?

Plastic lasts for around 5-6 years in my opinion. 
I am still using wooden pegs that I inherited from my mum when I married 40 years ago.

Fancy geting hung up on pegs Hoppy 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 

At least I know what a peg is for.


I don't do a lot of pegging, but my 20 year old plastic pegs are still going okay.

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