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Pendleside Film Dingbats C/D Sept 7Th

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Skitts | 08:06 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

Last 2 need a bit of help with please any help is grateful

45. Ms Berry, Tizer, Safety Push, Hat Drawing these are listed on top of one another

46. Napolean Boneparte, Yuri Gagarin, Lothar Matthaus, Paul Anka, Marvin Gaye Horatio Nelson. Again all on top of one another but an arrow either side of Marvin Gaye 

Thanks in advance x




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45 is it safety push or pin 

Mary   Poppins ?

Good one Mally - push pins are like drawing pins. Commas after hat and safety would have made it clearer.

Napolean Boneparte

Yuri Gagarin

Lothar Matthaus

Paul Anka

Marvin Gaye

Horatio Nelson.

46 all i can think of is ......

Soul Man?

They are all short men. Haven't found the film yet.

Little Men (1998)?

Marvin Gaye was 6' tall, apparently 

Odd Man Out?

46 The 5th man ?

well spotted jo. I missed the point about the arrows pointing to MG. odd man out looks good (several films with that name)

6 The Fifth Element


The initial of each first name is used for chemical elements

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