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AnnT | 14:17 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
34 Answers

Out of 60, I've just got these 4 that have stumped me:


In a box on the left in a column - 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP,  then outside the box to the right  1 STEP

A big, black, fat 'e' filling the space, with a small white number 8 in the middle of it on the left-hand side

A heart symbol followed by an arrow pointing to the right at the letters 'ing' that are growing in size, above a line under which is the word 'conflagration

Any help gratefully received, thank you! 




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Should have mentioned - there's no theme, just any word, phrase, saying or name.  Thanks 

First One- Possibly The seven seas.

2 step out of line?

7 seas of rhye??? (7 Cs awry?)

1 very iffy .....changing seasons

4 Heart warming ?

another suggestion for 2 

taking  the first step?

I endorse mallyh's suggestion.

first step outside?

Continuing the music theme- One Step Beyond?

A non-musical suggestion- over eighty? (over 8, E)

Is the number 8 to the left of the e then and half way up the e? And is it a lower case E?

3 i keep thinking ....eating ....e eight in

I can't work out whether the 8 is in though.


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@newmodarmy - the 8 is a small and white inside the big fat 'e' at the left side half way up - yes, a lower case 'e' 

I can only think of he ate in (e 8 in). It won't be that though so I'm still working on it

What colour is the background to the 'space'? (Can't be white or black as you wouldn't see the e or  8)

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@newmodarmy - the 'space' is a white rectangle.  The big, fat, black 'e' fills it from top to bottom with a little more room either side (because the shape of the 'e' is almost circular).  Inside the 'e' in the left curved part is a small white 8

I can picture it now, thanks.

2 elongate.......e long ate  sounds like 8

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