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A Thread On The Subject Of House Flies Prompted This Question.

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sandyRoe | 11:46 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Do you use a glass and a piece of cardboard to remove spiders from your home?



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I used to but they got so big I couldn't go that close to them!

I use a spider catcher now so I can keep a bit of distance.

Can sometimes be a bit tricky getting it to close though, so my preference is getting my son to get rid of spiders for me (and hopefully before I even know they are there!) :)

I just curl my fingers round them, palm downwards, and pop them out the door

I just leave them, come back later they'll be gone, they generally stay out of sight anyway. They eat all manner of insects so they perform a service.

I use a spider vacuum and pop them outside

My flat is on the 3rd and 4th floors so I rarely see them. Though I think one has lurked under my bed. I'd just leave them be.

Big or small, I love 'em all.

Rarely see any flies in my house.


Not card its too thick and could damage them, same for using your hands.

Generally they dont bother me but 'er who must be obeyed hates them so they have to go.  One of our boxers used to love them, you would see her with legs hanging out the side of the jowels so it was best to remove them ebfore she found them.

Unless they are in my bath, I leave them alone. As 3t says, they perform a service. ..

I'm another one who just leavs them alone.

I usually just pick them up in my hand and  throw them out the door so that my cats don't get them. * 🐈🐈‍⬛

catch a bit of the web on a tee-soo ( make sure the spider ( 'spidey') is on it, and having measured the distance to the window, run or walk to it and chuck the spider ( 'spidey') out whilst saying 'good luck spidey!'

close window. yes I know I am on AB

No, they eat the flies

They also trap bees so I often remove the webs from where the bees tend to go in the garden.

I'm another who lets them be 😊

We've had one on the wall, in the hall, all day today. It seems to be perfectly happy where it is and I have a conversation with it each time I use the downstairs loo. 

I vacuum them, otherwise I wouldn't sleep at night.

do you speak Black Widow, Tilly?

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