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Shower Wet Room Regularly Clogged

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flobadob | 18:42 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
13 Answers

We got our bathroom done up recently and put in a new shower with wet room type floor.

There is a long metal grate on the floor that can be lifted out and under this is a long tray with the drain in the middle.

There is a plastic piece with perforated holes in it, which sits in the middle above the drain to stop large pieces of material and hair.

I find that this is getting regularly clogged up, especially with the aforementioned hair, but also shampoo and conditioner run off etc.

We pretty much need to lift the grate and plastic piece out 2 or 3 times a week and clear them.

Is there any things that can be done to stop this from happening so often?

I'm thinking even if there was a way for this material to get collected in the long tray on each side of the drain rather than collecting in the middle plastic and blocking the water from getting away?

Or something that could be put in front of the grate to stop the hair from making it into the tray and drain while letting the shower water run into the drain.

Any suggestions appreciated.




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No idea if this is any help, but, I came across a similar issue a little while ago and the cause was eventually discovered to be a blockage after the point where the shower drain and the outside gutter drain pipes met. Leaves had got in the outside drain, partially blocked the whole thing, and that resulted in the shower drain appearing blocked and associated hair, soap, etc., sticking around.


Probably nothing like your issue, but you never know.

Whatever you use to catch the detritus will have to be lifted and emptied regularly, it won't catch everything so it will just be yet another thing to clean and empty.

We empty our traps after every shower 

Would it be at all possible to use the room normally for a couple of days, but without the grid in place. Just an uncovered channel?

Have a shower, and keep an eye on it. There should be no water in the channel. It should drain away instantly, without any lying in the bottom waiting to drain away. If it's sluggish, then I would suspect the drainage system.  I very much doubt this is the case.

The grid is doing its job. Letting anything get past it will almost certainly result in a drainage bung-up. This could be much harder to clear. 

I think you need to stop 'moulting' flobbers  😋


??? Try brushing your hair really thoroughly BEFORE going in the shower???

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Hey Builder, I'm blaming the missus lol

The water drains away fine when it's cleaned out, but just gets blocked because the plastic piece doesn't let it through into the drain once clogged up. Once it's cleaned out everything is okay.

I'm thinking of coming up with a way to trap some stuff in the main tray and not getting to the middle piece so often. That should hopefully mean less regular clogs, that's the plan anyway.

Otherwise I guess it's just stuck with as it is, regular cleaning out, waaahhhhh!!!

If you were smokers you'd empty your ashtrays regularly - same principle. 


Is this really a thread on 'a drain clogs at the top and I dont like uncloggin it' ?

if you are a man what about a no 1 or no 2 haircut ? Had one for forty years

No PP. Mrs Floba is the problem.


She'll have to go.

//Is there any things that can be done to stop this from happening so often?//

Don't shower as much?

I'm unsure how to smoke in the shower, please help.

Ours was fitted about 18 months ago, not long ago the water wasn't going away and I'd already cleared the hair from the trap, had a fell beyond the comb like thing that catches the hairs, could feel some hair, stuck the plunger on it and what looked like a dead rat was sucked back out of the pipe, just a large collection of hair. Now I've got round to plunging it every month.

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