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British Landmarks . C/D 20Th Sept

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mrsmaggot | 13:57 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

21) what a mess ! (3,8) 

28) Weighty circle (10) 

14) Does  Ariel live here?

 ( I know this has been previously answered as Mermaids tavern , but it no longer exists as was burned down in the great fire . Is there another one ? Or am I missing something ?
Thank you 



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21 The Shambles

28 Stonehenge?

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Thank you both .
( Never heard of the shambles!) 

The Shambles is an area of York.

14 Shakespeare's Globe ?

Letter count for Q14 is 7,6.

Thhanks scorpiojo

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British Landmarks . C/D 20Th Sept

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