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Books Abroad “ Double Letter “ Quiz. C/D 12Dec

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mrsmaggot | 14:02 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Anagram of 4 words.(Answer must have double letters together.)






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whats the theme? is the answer a book title?

Where can you get a copyplease

So is the answer word count 5,5,5,2 ?

Question Author

FAO The winner - no theme  . Just " double letters" together .

FAO Bows -send SAE to Books abroad SCIO , unit 1 , Richmond Avenue Rhynie , Aberdeenshire . AB54 4HJ.

FAO Canary 42 - no letter count given , just 4 words( with double letters? ) but it may be 5,5,5 2 . I don't know .
I just wrote the letters out as they appeared on the quiz sheet .


have you another question with a correct answer for us to look at, to give us a better idea?

using those letters there aren't any words with e.g consecutive AA, unless the A can end one word and begin another. Does that make any sense?!

Question Author

Examples of others on sheet :- 

usually served with pork (2) = apple sauce

begin,start = commence 

paper cutter = scissors

ABDEH NOSST U (2) = Basset hound 

AABCC EEEEE HKRRR SSTWY (2) = strawberry cheesecake 


Question Author

Elliemay1 - I know what you mean , but none of the other ones do that so I don't think it's that . I am presuming it's a 4 word phrase with some of the words with double consecutive letters?
without a theme its quite difficult!!

Not sure if this is what you are looking for but at least they use up all the letters:-

Need                                                                                              Pool or Loop                                                                                  Putto                                                                                              Kaas - Dutch word for cheese                                                                                      





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Books Abroad “ Double Letter “ Quiz. C/D 12Dec

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