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Good Morning Early Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 06:28 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Woke up stupidly early this morning so have made a cup of tea & taken it back up to bed!

We bought 2 big water pistols called 'Super Soakers' on recommendation of many cat owners in another group as a suggestion to ward off. unwanted cats that keep coming into garden & scaring our two - just fire the water at them to try & ward them off. Anyway I was just sat here smiling to myself thinking what must the neighbours have thought if they could have heard me lastnight thru fence  talking to OH - "I've just filled both guns up & put one near back door & one round the corner, so that if I miss aim with the 1st one I'll just grab the 2nd one & shoot with that".....🤣. Honestly Officer youve got it all wrong, lol!

Hopefully you're all mostly still in the land of nod all nice & cosy : )






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When we lived in Tokyo all the local cats regarded our tastefully gravelled outdoor space as the perfect lavatory. I too bought a water pistol, which worked pretty well but what worked even better was forgetting to turn off the burglar alarm before opening the sliding door to the garden!

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You lived in Tokyo - wow! Did you like it? (And I bet the alarm made the cats move REAL quick lol! )

Bet the neighbours loved that alarm, Impatiens.  Any tips for the foxes that poo in my garden whilst I'm asleep?

Morning, Smow. Get your  hat on and shoot 'em, cowgirl 🤠

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Lol @ Barry. Ok, just let me get my cowboy hat! 

Good morning both. We loved living in Tokyo, although the Japanese language took some conquering and we only really acquired survival level. There are so many interesting places to see in Japan and we chalked up quite a lot of them. Navigating was challenging though as most streets didn't have names and I was quite often reduced to driving around until I recognised something!



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How on earth do they do post without street names??

Morning all.

It's too early for me to be up on a Sunday.  

I've just had 2 co-codomal and I'll go back to bed for an hour or so.

There are  codes describing a general area and postmen acquire the equivalent of "the knowledge".  They have a job for life!

Sleep well Sandy Roe.

'Morning Smow and followers ... a bit dull just now but hoping the sun comes out for the monthly market in the park.  When I used to fix up the outdoor hose to water the plants, my cat used to watch me then make a beeline for nearest shelter! x

While travelling in the 90s I spent 11 days in Japan, via a ship from Shanghai to Osaka( 2 day trip)  I fell in love with Kyoto, spending almost 8 days there, then hitchhiked to Tokyo, and spent only 3  days there, staying near Shinjuku station.

Language was a major problem, 99.9%+only spoke japanese, found 2 people who spoke English.

I remember pan no Mimi( bread crust,which most bakeries would throw away)

I read a travelogue by a young woman who went camping in Japan, travelling on her bicycle with all her camping gear.  She found it very difficult as Japan has no concept of camping.  A great read for people who enjoy the genre

That sounds like fun piggynose. Shinjuku's the place to be. 

Barry, I'm definitely going to read that. Thanks for the suggestion.

It's years since I read it but it's stuck with me.  I must read it again

Impatiens, the best part was hitchhiking in February, 3 cars, 1 lorry, 14 hours later I arrived in Shinjuku. No real conversation, sadly, just the basics read from a small book, lol

piggynose that's proper survival!

Well I was on a budget, and the alternatives were pricey! So I thought wot the hell, the other problem I recall was the snow!!

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Good morning everyone else who's joined! I never ever associate Japan with heat -  no idea why! Definitely sounds like a fascinating country. 

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Sandy - hope you're feeling ok?

barry - I like the sound of that book - think I'll look it up
.Thanks 👍

Hazlinny - both my cats(sisters) LOVE water. In fact every single morning they wait outside the bathroom for MrSmow to finish his shower, then they just jump in bath and roll around in the wet. Then I have to put the cold tap on slow and they sit and have a drink whilst paddling in the water going down the plug hole. Looks so so funny to watch.

Good morning Smow. I'm just emerging even though I woke up at about 6.30. If I went and got a cup of tea then, that would wake me right up for the day.

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