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Pendleside Dingbats Closes Sept 2024

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PenWise | 14:48 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

I have just Q50 left in Film Dingbats and that is


I have tried to find something with DOCTOR or DR in the title, and also PEKING   but just can't find anything that looks right, any help would be gratefully received.  Thanks in advance



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Thanks bookbinder, but having a senior moment, can you explain how that shows in the dingbat.


KIN G with P in/IN

Question Author

Thankyou bookbinder🙂


I read it slightly differently, as K (for king) contained within GPIN - so K in GPIN= Kingpin 

I'm glad that I could help.

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Pendleside Dingbats Closes Sept 2024

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