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Border Ice Rink Wintersports And Activities C/D 30/09

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Peasblossom | 20:36 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

6) It was inappropriate the muslin bow Adan tied round its icy neck (5,1,7)

17) 1 January activity for mad Scots (5,4)

19) "No smoking" I declare when riding one place (10)

Any help gratefully appreciated 



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6    Build a snowman

19. Monoskiing

17   Seen as Loony Dook. Best to google it and see what it means.

Can you help with

5. Use long handled brush at formal dance to hit sphere around (9) please?

5 Broom-ball

Never heard of it myself, but hey, it exists.

Question Author

Thank you cashier, granny grump and Captain2 

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Border Ice Rink Wintersports And Activities C/D 30/09

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