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Will I Get The Rest Of The Insurance Money Back?

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Treacle71 | 22:03 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Motoring
16 Answers

I'm giving up my old banger (car), but it's only two months into the insurance. I've insured it for a year (I paid for the insurance annually).

Thank you!!



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Transferring the insurance to your new car may not be the best option – you need to do the maths. If you can find another insurer who will insure your new car for less, then you need to find out how much of your 10 months your current insurer will refund, this should simply be the pro-rata cost per month, less an administrative fee.Then compare the cost of insuring...
09:15 Mon 19th Aug 2024

just get them to change the policy to your new car.

TTT is right. Is it too late to transfer it to your new car?



Read the terms and conditions, they are all different.  You will get some money back but there will be a cancellation penalty 

It isn't too late to cancel the insurance for the new car.  The law states that there must be a 14 day cooling off period.

It would be better to cancel the new policy and transfer the car to the old one

Spot on Barry 

Treacle, insurance companies will usually transfer your current policy to a new car so do that. If you took out a new policy cancel it withing the 14 cooling off period.

... but answer your actual question, yes you would get a refund but they'll wack you with and admin fee.

There might be an admin fee for transferring the policy to the new car and there might be a change to the premium for the model/age of car being insured.

Transferring the insurance to your new car may not be the best option – you need to do the maths.


If you can find another insurer who will insure your new car for less, then you need to find out how much of your 10 months your current insurer will refund, this should simply be the pro-rata cost per month, less an administrative fee.

Then compare the cost of insuring the new car with your current insurer Vs the cheaper insurer (taking into account the admin fee you will pay for cancelling the insurance) and see who works out the cheaper.

Cant always transfer as my SiL found out when he got another van.  "We dont insure those vans" apparently.

Hymie has it right.

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Thank you to the rest for your answers 😊

What did you decide to do, Treacle?  Did you get your money back?

depends on the contract - it should be pro rata

One trade insurance I had to have, they swiped the whole lot ! - "claims are very rare ( clearly not cars) and when they come they are very high"


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Hi Barry. I've decided to hold on to it for now - just as well as I can't drive my new car until the windscreen is fixed 🤦

Hope it's all sorted soon, Treacle

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Thanks, barry xx

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Will I Get The Rest Of The Insurance Money Back?

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