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Strands 20Th August

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sandyRoe | 01:04 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

Strands #170

“I think we're covered”






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Strands #170
“I think we're covered”

A bit trickier today than the last few.


Strands #170
“I think we're covered”

Strands #170
“I think we're covered”

Strands #170

“I think we're covered”



I can't get galoshes to register!

Strands #170

“I think we're covered”



Strands #170

“I think we're covered”



I agree, Arksided

Strands #170
“I think we're covered”

Strands #170
“I think we're covered”

Do the spangrams have to wiggle about, there seemed to be two in this.

I noticed that they were two, it's only my fith bat at it but think the chosen one is also the generic main clue to the others.

Strands #170
“I think we're covered”

This is my first go at this game, so I've no idea if my result is good, bad or indifferent. 

Question Author

It's good if you solve it.  ^

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Strands 20Th August

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