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Supertanskiii Gives The Lowdown On Reform & Farage Etc

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Hymie | 22:32 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
9 Answers

Well worth a watch if you believe that Reform/Farage are the real patriots




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Can't you just tell us what she said (in summary).

I broke the habit of a lifetime today and watched Your Mate Phil take nearly ten minutes to tell me that Nigel Farage declared the income to his company including VAT. Apparently VAT should have been excluded (or it may have been the other way round - I largely lost the will to live after about five minutes of his ramblings).

I can't go through that again.

Reform is the only party saying what necessarily needs doing by any patriotic party/government. Whether someone thinks it's fake or not, no other party is worth supporting at present.

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She ends by saying ‘If you believe these people (Farage/Reform etc) are patriotic, you truly will believe anything – and that’s exactly where they want you (based on 4 years of studying them, closely)'.

Gave up wathcing hymie's mates but presumably she thinks these things ARE patriotic:

1) Impoverisation of our pensioners

2) Protection and support of terrorists

3) Antisemitism

4) Economic suicide by chasing pointless "net zero"

5) Islamification

6) open borders

7) Introduction of Starmer's Stasi

8) Persecution of anyone who does not agree with the neo fascism

9) Surrender to the marxist unions

10) Cancellation of much needed major infrastructure projects whilst still paying foriegners £11.6bn for "climate change" initiatives.

etc etc


You only have to listen to the first few sentences she speaks to feel the anti Britishness erupt from her every pore.

"I get my information from independent sources......" - right oh love!

well judge I thought I owed you one so I did watch the 8+ minutes. She started by denigrating Britain and our history briefly, thus setting out her stall as a 5C. She then spent the rest of the time in a fit iof envy because some people have done well for themselves. She never said why "she" et al are the real patriots, she did not address or even mention the problems like the ones I list above.

We've just witnessed the birth of another 'famous ten', I look forward to their repeated use.

I won't let you down dougie!

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