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Summertime - Lion Clubs Foundation - Closing Date 30/9/24

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tollview | 11:16 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

A poem by Tusitala (6,3). all answers relate to summer




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Tusitala was a name adopted by RL Stephenson.

I don't know what the poem is

Summer Fun?

// 40-year-old Stevenson took the native name Tusitala (Samoan for "Teller of Tales"),//

Question Author

Thankyou so much both - you're never done learning!

Can I push my luck with my last clue on this quiz

Holy of Holies created this god (6)





Helios, angram of 'holies'?

 Helios is the god who personifies the Sun.

Question Author

Brilliant - you are so clever elliemay1

thank you x

You're welcome tollview, good luck with the quiz x

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Summertime - Lion Clubs Foundation - Closing Date 30/9/24

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