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Strands 22Nd Aug

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barry1010 | 02:39 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers

Strands #172

“Smoothie moves”





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Strands #172
“Smoothie moves”

Strands #172
“Smoothie moves”

Strands #172

“Smoothie moves”







Strands #172
“Smoothie moves”

Strands #172

“Smoothie moves”



Strands #172
“Smoothie moves”

Question Author

Sandy, do you try not to use the hints? I only ask because you recently mentioned it

Strands #172

“Smoothie moves”




Strands #172

“Smoothie moves”



Question Author

I had no idea the Americans spell that one word differently.  I don't think I've seen it in print before

Took ages today!

Strands #172
“Smoothie moves”


I've noticed other players have solved the puzzle without using the hints.  It makes it more difficult, imo.

Strands #172
“Smoothie moves”

Sandy, I think it makes it more of a challenge to solve it without hints 

As Ellie says, Sandy 😊   sometimes, though not always, words are found in the four corners and I look for these first.

Strands #172
“Smoothie moves”

Taken me all day!!  It became easier once I read the hint as 'moves' and not 'movies'.

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Strands 22Nd Aug

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