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Cyclops 785 Clues 7 And 27 Down

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watersa | 23:55 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

7 dn It's not tender, filthy lucre today, on vacation. (7) I have

?r?e?t? but no idea. Grateful for any help!

27 dn Panic causes fellow to cover genital area (4) I have

F?a? Can it be fear? 



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27 flap
00:01 Fri 23rd Aug 2024

7 cruelty - anagram of lucre + t(oda)y

27 flap

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thank you so much for both answers. Can't believe I was so slow not to get either of them. They were driving me mad. 

Sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes to look at them 🧐

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Cyclops 785 Clues 7 And 27 Down

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