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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:32 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Well despite the awful wind & rain I had a pretty good day yesterday. Had my best day saleswise ever(work - I'm an online retailer) which was a big surprise but lovely so had orders to get ready and post, bearing in mind Bank Holiday. Then MrSmow decided to cook me my favourite meal for dinner! He only cooks about 3 things but this is one and it is delicious!! So simple and easy, but I just love it - chicken in a spinach & cream sauce. Yummy! 
Have woken up to blue skies so hopefully the rain has gone for today at least! Any plans everyone, or just a nice relaxing day at home? 
Much smow love x



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Hi smow, my husband cooked my favourite last night - chilli king prawn pasta with sun dried tomatoes.   I think I'm coming down with a nasty though.  I was coughing yesterday and have woken with a very sore throat this morning.  What a pain - literally.

Up at the crack of dawn, new tumble dryer was delivered at 7.30am.  Tested it out with yesterdays washing which was hanging around the kitchen.

Lovely sunny day, so will get out in the garden and do some more cutting back.

I envy you both, if Mr U ever offers to cook I usually end up having to take over, he gets himself in such a mess.


Ubasses, there is a downside to my husbands exploits in the kitchen.  He seems to use just about every pot, pan and dish we possess and leaves the kitchen looking like a bomb's hit it!  Thank God for dishwashers!!!  😂

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Ubasses/naomi - my FIL is a fabulous cook and it's his favourite hobby, he will spend an entire day in the kitchen just to create dinner lol! BUT, and a big but, my MIL says the same - he uses every pan, every surface in the kitchen and it looks like a war zone when he has finished! It stresses her out so much lol.

Morning all. Its bright and sunny here so will try and get into the garden today but generally its another relax day. Older son has taken the dog for a walk so should get round in the dry.

Have a happy day y'all

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Good morning Rosetta. Hope you managed to get some sleep last night.  Yes makes such a difference to the day when it's dry doesn't it - even just walking round the garden for 10 mins. Hope dog enjoys the walk! 

Good morning all, fine here as well, so hope to go out and do some gardening. Does anyone know how you get rid of Acanthus(bears breeches)? I had a clump in one corner and it has spread like wildfire and is strangling other plants. I can't seem to dig it out without digging up the plants I want to keep.

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Morning calda. Very very hard to get rid of - if you've managed to dig down and remove as much root as poss/cut it right down then it's suggest to paint any remaining stumps or roots with tree killer and then cover with polythene sheeting/bin liner to smother. 

Good morning Smow and everyone, A Bit of a mixture out there oop here in West Yorkshire mostly clear blue skies with clouds dotted about bit very blustery.

Myself usual Sunday stuff clean my abode, I may pay extra attention to the bathroom, I keep it clean but a bit of a nuke once in a while does no harm... and probably binge a few episodes of 'The Boys' series four (Superheros that are not as clean cut as their public images) to catch up.

Have a lovely day folks whatever she may bring you.

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Morning Arksided - hope you are well? Don't think I've watched The Boys - may have to look it up and see what it's about. MrSmow has just recently binge watched KIN. Set in Ireland it's basically a short series drama about drug gangs rival families - all pretty respectable funnily enough. (modern day) He was absolutely glued to it. 

I'm very well thank you smoo... You may need a strong stomach for 'the boys' very graphic and a bit darn right nasty in parts... superheros that get away with all sorts to keep their public image covered up by a corporation that sells them as products (Tv Shows, Dolls etc...) as always being good.

They're not.


Thanks Smow. I don't think I am going to win. Garden is on an upward slope and I have balance problems, plus my age(70+) doesn't help. I think I'm going to have to see if I can get someone in.

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Okey dokey AS.... (mite still take a peek at The Boys lol)

calda - yes apparently it's like bamboo, once planted it's a nightmare to kill off! Maybe if you have spray weed killer than cutting down and spraying what's left every time you go out would certainly halt its growth I would have thought! 

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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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