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Larry The Downing Street Cat.

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sandyRoe | 07:23 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Even though he has seen Prime Ministers come and go and could easily win a contest for the most popular resident of the famous street, I don't think he deserves a State Funeral when the time comes.

When he is dead and laid in earth, perhaps in a corner of the garden of Number 10, a small memorial stone could be erected.

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The missing link between Absolute and Torlorance

Westminster Abbey

Agree, definitely.....he has always lent a dignified air to what, you must agree, has often been an insalubrious address 

Nah. Just whizz him into the nearest incinerator. That's what vets do anyway with dead pets.

Definitely. I wanted to vote for him in the recent General Election. At least cats have some common sense.

I think it would be nice to have ashes buried and a tree planted on top. Great cat, by the look of him. 

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Larry The Downing Street Cat.

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