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Vacuuming Carpet Edges

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Vagus | 14:28 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
9 Answers

How do you do yours?
I don't think many/any vacuums get right to the edge by the skirting board, particularly under radiators so it got me thinking how everyone does theirs, and how often.



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I use the crevice nozzle on my handheld vacuum every time I vacuum. It doesn't take long, I use it on the skirting boards whilst I'm at it.  My wife does the same when she vacuums.  Big vacuum for big spaces, handheld for the awkward bits.  Save a lot of faffing

I do the same as Barry. I Lmost prefer using the handheld even for small areas of the carpet...not big and awkward. 

No carpets, just open everything for a through draught.

We use the handheld throughout the day for crumbs and so on

Henry's nozzle works.

I use it for copious cat hair. I miss my old deaf cat..I could hoover him directly 😆 


I have a Dyson with all the attachments which does me for everything and is light to push around and carry upstairs 

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