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Good Morning Wednesday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:14 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

Going to be about 28/29 degrees here today apparently so a pretty warm one. Lots to do today - including assembling  a canvas wardrobe which arrived lastnight in a box which sounds as though it has about 5000 bits in it! Will be satisfying when it's done tho lol. 
Need to try and hunt a missing parcel too - had an order arrive last week from a company with about 9 items in, and it was only about an hour after opening it that I realised  one of the items wasn't in the parcel. Trying to prove that it WASNT there is proving difficult....... 

Going to try and look up this 3-part Sky documentary to watch later on called The Body Next Door, which is based on a true story & apparently one of the most bizarre murder cases in history. Looks fascinating!

So what are we all up to today? x






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Just caught you, am off for a shower.  Appointment with dermatologist this morning, NHS but at private hospital. GP thinks I have an underlying skin infection, all I asked for was some tablets to shift a toe nail fungus that nothing I have bought has shifted.

Good luck with the parcel Co.

Good Morning,

I watched the documentary, it is very good.


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Morning ubasses - good luck at the hospital!

DDIL - oh you've watched it? I'd never heard of it till yesterday. Anyone well known in it?


I watched it the week before last, no well known names in it.

They interview the people involved in the case - its very interesting.

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I read part of the article in the new and it certainly read as very bizarre indeed! 

I don't want to give anything away - but WOW!

Morning, I started watching that a couple of night ago.  I'm not far into it though.  Certainly intriguing at the moment.

Good morning, cloudy here and 18 degrees. A lazy day I think, but looking forward to  going to my book club, at the library, later this afternoon. We have read a variety of books from different genres,( I didn't get on with the one about video programmers). Has any one got a book they have read and could recommend?

Morning Smow and everyone. That programme looks interesting but we dont have sky.

We have a man coming round later to do a list of DIY type jobs that have been accumulating, husband is absolutely useless at DIY, which he freely admits. The most urgent is clearing the gutters, one part has  weeds growing in it, creating a waterfall when it rains.Our younger son used to be our Mr Fixit but doing guttering was not something he could do.

Have a happy day y'all

Good morning Smow and all.
Overcast here at the moment, and there are a few raindrops on the window.
I have to wait in for a couple of deliveries - but will pop out afterwards and get a bit of shopping in. Hope I'm not waiting all day for the council to pick up my fridge/freezer.
The place where I send my prem knits are asking for knitted 'nappy covers' - why knitted? Why can they just not have little fabric knicker things I wonder.
I don't have Sky, so can't watch the discussed documentary.
Have a good day all 😀

Calda, have you considered reading or re-reading 'classics'?  The Brontes, Jane Austen, Dickens, etc?  
I fear that sort of thing is rather neglected now.

Good morning all. Phew, it's already very hot here, a day indoors I think.   Picking up a couple of today's themes:-

Firstly I found cleaning guttering a very challenging DIY job (and my DIY record is quite extensive). I tackled it last year with a Heath Robinson device I constructed so I could do it from ground level - very cumbersome but nevertheless reasonably successful.

Secondly, I am currently reading a classic, Little Dorrit by Dickens, surprising how it resonates even today. It's a bit heavy going in places though. But I enjoy Dickensian humour.

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Morning everyone - again lol! Have been on fone trying to get a friend to exert some fuss on the phone! He ordered a new fridge freezer to be delivered yesterday and paid for his old one to be taken away. Well apparently when they delivered the new one they refused to take the old one - said they knew nothing about it. Now he hates causing a fuss and doesn't want to ring and complain. I've offered to ring for him but he refuses point blank, so I'm now completely peed  off for him on his behalf! He's promised to ring them this morn so we shall see..... : (

I bought a fridge/freezer from last year, and they took the old one away.

AO offer a service second to none.  I would always recommend them.

We had amazing service from AO. When they came to install a replacement dishwasher it turned out there were problems with the plumbing for it. They took it away while we sorted the fault and came back with it some days later at no extra cost to us. I'd go to them every time.

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Good Morning Wednesday Birds!

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