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davebro3 | 17:16 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

If you HAD to sing a karaoke song - which would you pick?



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"Raglan Road"



"Big Spender"

The Magic Flute.

Seriously, I enjoy Karaoke.

My piece de resistance is Ernie by Benny Hill, and if I am duetting with my lovely wife, we enjoy I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher.

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Mine would be "Karma Chameleon" - easy words, suits my vocal range.


Maybe a bit melancholy, but makes you think.

There is nothing that would make me sing a Karaoke song.

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sorry - you HAVE to

NO, I don't.

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if you absolutely can't sing maybe "I was born under a wandering star" ?

I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor

I've only been coerced into singing at a karaoke evening on just a handful of occasions but this was always what I tried to sing:

Campdown Races

I once declined to attend a leaving do for a bloke I had worked with for quite some time because there was to be karaoke involved. I was accused of being a miserable old git. Made me feel quite proud.

I think karaoke is responsible for my intense dislike of the song "My Way". It seemed to be the only song I ever heard sung by karaoke participants. They were usually well Brahms & Liszt and hey always added an extra "uh" at the end of each phrase, viz:

♫ And now -uh

The end is near-uh

And so I face-uh

The final curtain-uh 

Frank Sinatra didn't sing it like that. Mind you, I couldn't stand either him either.

Sixteen Tons. I'm no singer but I could just about get through that


for a change, check out the version recorded by Sid Vicious - (it contains words ruder than "bottom") 

Who is that comment for, mushroom?

My go to Karaoke used to be Is She Really Going Out With Him, but American Pie is always good at a push too.

Or If I Were a Rich Man

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