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A Local Quiz - I’ve Done Some But Am Stumped.

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maggieriorda | 20:40 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers

Use the clues to work out the British town or city.  Example: Between six and eight trees - S Answer: Sevenoaks


1. Finished the fourth letter - D

2. What a really bad driver often does to cars? - W

3. Where the cook picks crops? - S = SHEFFIELD

4. Genuine oar movement - T = TRURO

5. A quick ringer - B = BELFAST

6. Writing implements for small insects? - P = PENZANCE

7. Part of a boar - H = HULL

8. Dog controllers - L = LEEDS

9. People’s pebble? - F = 

10. Distribute the cards - D = DEAL

11. Nibble your way through a female wizard!- N = 

12. How to inform the manufacturer that your Fiesta car has a problem - T = TELFORD

13. Order a drinking vessel to leave? - G = 

14. Fortress just built - N = NEWCASTLE

15. After the meal, the plate is still full! - N = 

16. What to call your heavyweight love? - D = 

17. What you did to the appliance to make it work- P =

18. Where cows are milked in a capital city? - L

19. Secure tightly - B =

20. A type of haircut - C = CREWE

21. Store an after diner drink - S =

22. Are the teams here in a League or Union? - R = RUGBY

23. Where to go swimming in Dorset - P = POOLE

24. A place for a good wash! - B = BATH

25. A local competition? - D = 





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2 Wrexham

9 Folkstone

16 Darling-ton

18 Londonderry, sounds like dairy

1 Norwich (Gnaw witch)

19 Bolton

^^ 11

25 Derby

17 Preston


21 Stock-port

13 Glasgow - glass go

Question Author


19. Bolton   /   15. Nuneaton  /  2.  Wrexham ??  /  11.  Norwich


Question Author


Question Author

OH WOW!  All finished.  Thank you so much guys for your help.  

25 questions asked. Must have been a big quiz.

How many weren't you stumped on?!

1. As well as DUNDEE it could possibly be DOVER


Just re-read and realised you had managed half. Still a lot!

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A Local Quiz - I’ve Done Some But Am Stumped.

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