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Black Mould And Ant Infestation.

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sandyRoe | 17:11 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

A Labour MP, who rents houses as a sideline, might be described as a slumlord with his properties apparently not in great condition.

Hearing this report the pigs in Animal Farm came to mind.  They ended up indistinguishable from the humans who had abused them.



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Is there a link to this?

An ant infestation can happen at any time to any property.  This is not really the fault of the landlord.  We lived in a house for 3 years and in one of those years we had an awful ant infestation.  This just happens.  

Black mould may be something the landlord needs to fix, but it could be caused by lack of ventilation.  IE an unvented shower room and windows not being opened.  That does need looking at. 

Even so, to call someone a slumlord on that basis is a bit harsh.

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The MP is Jas Athwal.

I'll see if I can find a link

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Socialism is a great vehicle for getting rich.


I am more concerned about the alleged failure to register - it is only alleged and denied by the gentleman involved.

Ants are a relatively easy fix; black mould ought to be looked at.  This sounds like a bit of a non-story blown up to critiscise a Labour MP.

I have to say, I once rented a property out and it was managed by agents for me.  They were terrible.  We parted company and I got another agency in.  They did naff all apart from take a slice of the rent and then wanted further fees every 6 months for renewal of tenancy and they were not happy when I said the tenant could just hold-over.  The poor tenant was not well served - indeed, neither was I since when he went away for 3 months and turned the electricity off but after a few weeks this upset the burglar alarm, I had to drive 80 miles in the middle of the night to switch the wretched thing off.  The agents were 2 minutes away and had keys.  

It was only after he left (he went back to the US), I found out from the base housing officer, the correspondence he had had with the agents that was just not dealt with.  This was despite me requesting a 3 monthly report!  I was furious.

This was despite me requesting a 3 monthly report!  I was furious.

I tried an agency once: they were awful and I managed the  house myself after that

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