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Genius 255 Last 2 Help Please

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quinol | 15:27 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

2d gives in - or out! (6), has an a and a s in (but all words are anagrammed to enter)

9a going round champagne city, having drink is more stimulating (8) has 2 e and 1 a - I guess it means 'more stimulating'



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Quinol, I couldn't come up with hints, so...

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9 Steamier


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Many thanks NAC - believe it or not those 2 just occured to me just before I looked at your kind answer

Quinol, thanks - and I'm delighted that the answers came to you before my answer! I sometimes think that posting a request for help gives our brain a kick-start...

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Genius 255 Last 2 Help Please

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