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Harassed By A Feral Youth, Recorded On His Phone Police Will Take Action Very Disturbing

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gordiescotland1 | 19:15 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Law
11 Answers

On Monday I was in Costa Coffee sitting right at the front door as all the other seats were taken. The couple sitting next to me said that there was a youth behaving very strangely outside. He was standing by the window taking photos inside, the couple thought it was of them but unlikely after what happened next. He came in and spoke to me I had never met him before he said "are you a paedo?" Quite taken aback I told him to F off again he asked the question adding that I looked like one. What one actually looks like I have no idea!! As I started telling him to go away he was repeating the word paedo and laughing I noticed he was recording it, he then left. I spoke to the staff who didnt see it as it was so busy but confirmed they had CCTV. So I went straight to the local police station and it was a complete waste of time, they were useless the policewoman at the desk said it was not illegal to take a recording of people in public with or without their knowledge, I asked about harassment on their part as it was a one off event it isn't harassment, I was furious she didn't take down my name or address or anything. I went home and phoned 101 Police Scotland and they were still not very helpful but I insisted the incident be recorded. God knows where that video is it could be somewhere on social media or anywhere and people could think I'm a paedo and I could end up being targeted. I'm so fed up of idiots and the police doing nothing. 



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You have my sympathy.

"....the policewoman at the desk said it was not illegal to take a recording of people in public with or without their knowledge, I asked about harassment on their part as it was a one off event it isn't harassment,"

Useless she may be, but she's correct on both counts.

What a disturbing experience.  I feel that you did right in insisting the police record your complaint. I would be inclined to write to the Chief Constable, with a copy to your MP (and possibly a copy to Costa if you refer to CCTV).

Section 5 of the Public Order Act is the way to go.

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It seems that this act is not applicable in Scotland unfortunately 

Try S.38 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland)Act 2010

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This looks exactly like what happened to me applies to  this law. I'm seriously considering pointing this out to them 

Yes sorry - forgot this was Scotland. Toorak has the right answer. Not that it makes any difference as I doubt the poll-iss will be interested.

Maybe get yourself down to Stage Makeup 4U or save old teabags to give yourself a swarthier appearance.

That focuses the mind of Polis Scotland in these troubled times.

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I don't see how they can't see that this is a s.38 offence all of it applies to me do they not know how to interpret the law ? I am definitely going to write to my MP as well as putting in a complaint to Police Scotland 

Realistically what do you expect the police to do?  

They have to prioritise their time investigating crimes that are serious.  I doubt that there is much point in investigating this incident, even if it can be considered to be a crime.

Contacting your MP is a bit OTT.


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