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Kitchen Items Quiz Cd 31.10

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Rosieandjim | 09:04 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

1 Add an e to be better

2 Utensils before backward tip

3 Found in roads



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2 cutlery drawer ?......reward reversed 
10:26 Thu 05th Sep 2024

3 Fork(s)

1.  Grater (greater)

2 Cutlery bin?

Is 2 correct?

If it were 'Utensil before offering backward tip'

preserving pan - 'nap' is a racing tip

Question Author

Thanks for answers. Grater is good. Still not sure about the utensils one. That's exactly as it is on my sheet. 

2 cutlery drawer ?......reward reversed 


well done, mally

Was thinking of nib as tip for reversal in suggesting cutlery bin, but I think cutlery drawer is better.

Question Author

Good work quizzers, thankyou all. Just leaves...

Found in roads

scorpio answered at 9.07

Question Author

Oops indeed she did.  Thanks again to all.

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Kitchen Items Quiz Cd 31.10

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