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What Happened To Clarity In News...part Deux.

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ToraToraTora | 11:54 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Editor's Blog
33 Answers

"To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames."



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i hate to say it but toratoratora is in the right. the editor's request does not make exceptions for common abbrevations or nicknames.furthermore there is no indication whatsoever in the editor's post that the request be enforced as a rule... and yet threads have been closed for it. have moderators been asked to enforce it as though it is a site rule?
12:14 Thu 05th Sep 2024

TTT, I posted this on your other thread but I'll repeat it here.  I can't speak for other mods but I would say 'Nimby' is a well-known acronym and not vague at all.  I'm swiftly coming to the conclusion that you would prefer the iron fist to moderate posts with no room for a bit of leeway.  Would you?

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No I would prefer consistency, it say's "no abbreviations" it doesn't say "no abbreviations except ones deemed common knowlege (*) ". I have had at least two posts blocked for similarly obvious acronyms/abbreviations. Naomi you are usually the voice of reason, surely you can see the selective modding here?

What about nicknames? Can we use ones that are "well known"?

I just want the same rules as gulliver et al.

* who is the arbiter of what is common knowledge?

i hate to say it but toratoratora is in the right. the editor's request does not make exceptions for common abbrevations or nicknames.

furthermore there is no indication whatsoever in the editor's post that the request be enforced as a rule... and yet threads have been closed for it. have moderators been asked to enforce it as though it is a site rule?

TTT, I'm trying to be the voice of reason.  I dislike heavy-handed modding - aleays have - but if that's what you prefer so be it.  You can't have it both ways.  As far as 'Nimby' goes, will the OED do for you?,and%20more%20%7C%20Oxford%20English%20Dictionary

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ok NIMBY is ok it is one of the common known acronyms of the 80s/90s etc, so are the others allowed:

Yuppie, Dinky, Lombard, donkey, dokit, bobo, woopy ....

Until the likes of gulliver obey the rules why should the rest of us obey them?


have moderators been asked to close or remove threads that use abbreviations or nicknames? it is not in the Site Rules it is simply a request by the editor and yet we have seen it being enforced as though it is a rule. have you been asked to do this?

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12:14 thanks, all I ask for is consistency, one particular mod lets some get away with murder and keeps trashing my posts for what they deemed a transgression yet his mates do the same with impunity. (Raving-mod/TCL)

We do need clarity otherwise the 'Slims' wouldn't know if a post was worth reading.

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naomi: "I dislike heavy-handed modding - aleays have - but if that's what you prefer so be it." - no I don't want heavy modding, quite the opposite but I am the one that gets heavy modding when no one else does. I only want consistency. If I may say the "rule" about clarity was too subjective, it was always going to cause this sort of issue. Raving-mod is biased against me because I ignore him (TCL)

i think some clarity on hate speech would be welcome too. the editor said it would not be tolerated and yet there's no guidance as to what answerbank considers hate speech to be. i have seen some posts that i would call hate speech that are still up... and yet i have also had posts removed after a moderator called them "rude" even though they did not breach Site Rules

TTT, you can't have it both ways.  The only way you're going to get absolute parity in moderation is if this site is moderated by AI - but it isnt.

have moderators been asked to enforce the post about abbreviations or nicknames as though it is a site rule naomi?

Have you ever had a response from the Head Ed or the junior Ed Tora Tora Tora?

they don't tend to look in very often DDIL

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Naomi you are not reading what I'm writing. I do not want heavy handed modding I want consistent modding, I don't get that. Even my usual detractors can spot it. Surely you can see that?

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12:31 yes many times, not yet on this subject though.

1233 there is perhaps a reason for that. 

the editor's post about abbreviations cannot but result in heavy handed modding. "BBC" and "NHS" are abbreviations for example. 

Is there not a difference between abbrevations and acronym's?

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