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Starmer Puts Savages On The Streets.....

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ToraToraTora | 22:11 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
21 Answers

Remember this:

So now they are letting them out, no wonder the victims mum is outraged.

Well they are only the little people Sir Keir, they don't matter ok to upset them. Plenty of places now for the real villains, those showing the slightest concern over the invasion and islamification of our country.

Real Labour, what a shower.



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All those years of not building jails have come back to haunt us.


Throw another national asset on the fire old bean, some old mates are a bit short this month.

Scraping the barrel again to discredit Labour.You have got at least ten more years do so.You buckle up, and suck it up...OK.

Labour will be gone before the next election. ^

Pictures of the savages celebrating with champaign on the streets saying they will vote labout forver.

So now we know what it all about: Votes.  Just like the minority rubbish.

Labour scum.

Gulliver.  You keep on about 'you lost' suck it up' etc etc.

Is this the same Gulliver that keeps on about Brexit, even though his side lost.  Perhaps we should say to him about Brexit, 'you lost' 'suck it up' 'don't keep on about it' etc etc

Gramps85, people here have been saying that to Gulliver almost non-stop. He's just returning the compliment. That's all. 

Gramps 08.43 There's your answer. from clover joe 😎😎🤣😎.

Ah, we have another Gulliver fan in the form of cloverjo.

Ignore him Gramps, you would be better off debating with the wall next to you.

A judges assigns an appropriate sentence, government overrules after just 40% served and slings thousands of criminals, not previously expected to be released at the time, out (on top of those who are destined to be released at the same time) without beefing up the support resources and other needs to encourage/enable them to stay on the "straight & narrow". And for what ? So they can come down hard on all sorts of IMO questionable transgressions such as being close to an event, or posting an opinion someone may choose to feel bad about. Starmer will have a lot to justify when the people have their say again.

YMB. How right you are. What I have noticed is that Gulliver is unable to provide his own answers to any question directed at him, and depends on others to do the job for him.

All this is down to the Tories not building more prison space when they were on holiday for fourteen years.

I can't read 2nd link because it's behind a pay wall. How early is he being let out?

You can read it here,

"I can't read 2nd link because it's behind a pay wall. How early is he being let out?"

He was jailed on 7th March for 32 months. I calculate a release date (having served 40% of his sentence) of 1st April 2025 (+/- a day or two).  However, the crime for which he was jailed took place in November 2022 and it is likely he spent some time in custody before his conviction (and this counts towards his sentence).

"Natty, 18, is Belgian and faces deportation. He is understood to have been transferred to an immigration detention centre."

So how long will it be before some lawyer, paid by the taxpayer, secures his release from that centre on the grounds that his Human Rights will be compromised if he is deported to Belgium (assuming Belgium accepts him, that is)? 

PS for bednobs - You can access Daily Telegraph articles by pressing "Escape" as the page loads. Don't tell everybody, though in case they put a stop to it!

thanks NJ, i supposedly share my husband's subscription but have never been able to get it to work

so not "on the streets" then TTT, but to an immigration detention centre? 

Natty may have been but plenty of others weren't.

Anyone know why they didn't deport the thousand or so foreign,(many of whom are illegals) prisoners back to whence they came. That would have met approval and freed up the space they say is needed for protesters and the like?  

but og, this question is about that specific person, isnt it

Others are referred to in the Natty link.

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