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Tories At Fault Again.

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gulliver1 | 09:30 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
27 Answers

Boris Johnson's former top aide says Boris binned a solution to the current prison crisis Three years ago.Boris was warned  that the country's jails would be full within a few years.But Johnson ignored him.So the early release disaster and street violence is down to Tory incompetence once more.



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Looks like ttt has put his pinny on and cracking on with some hoovering and dusting. :0)
10:41 Wed 11th Sep 2024


Just for you, TORATORATORA

with the headline

Boris Johnson ‘binned’ solution to prisons crisis as prime minister, claims Dominic Cummings

No I want a link from the OP so I can be sure we are discussing the right thing. I don't want a link from his groupies.

Rubbish ! Three years ago who could predict that hundreds of thousands of criminal immigrants would gain entry to the country?

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TTT you don't need a link it is true. I don't tell lies .The name is gulliver not Boris. OK.😎😎

If you're not happy with the link provided which clearly relates to the topic to be  discussed, don't bother contributing any further to the thread then.

My personal policy is to ignore anything that Dominic Cummings says.

I thought Dominic Cummings wasn't to be believed.  What happened?

09:34 so post me a link to the story you want to discuss as per site suggestion. ...and I am even prepared to tell you again how to post a link:


That is what folk are concerned about gulli. Now if Boris had posted...

You asked for a link TTT.

You got a link .......

End of!

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The reason Boris would not build more prisons is probably because he didn't want the likes of Baroness Mone ,Matt Hancock and the rest of his cronies who he helped milk the taxpayer for millions ..😎locked up.😎

Ha ha ha. This great post of gullies has bought the planned labour moaning menu to a halt this morning. Don't forget also the hundreds of court houses the cons closed down also. Their way of trying to reduce the prison population, cases being delayed for years.

Looks like feisty wee Tora is entering his rutting season and looking to bump antlers.

Be fair gully Boris did build new hospitals, sorry, he slapped some B&Q white emulsion in parts of the old ones. :0))

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It's probably all the taxpayers dosh that Boris handed out to  his cronies that has helped create the £22 billion black hole in the economy that was handed over to Labour on the 4th july this year.

£10 tub of emulsion for the hospital, £300 a roll wallpaper for Carries flat at number 10.

Whatever the cause, Labour are now in power.  The Ministry of Justice predicts that the prison population will grow to between 95,000 and 114,000 by 2027.  So what are they going to do about it?

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