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The Other 9/11, 51 Years Ago Today.

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Canary42 | 23:37 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | History
8 Answers

The other 9/11 (harrowing, but well worth reading) :-

The other tragic 9/11 was the day in 1973 when the Chilean military, commanded by General Augusto Pinochet, with the encouragement, knowledge, and assistance of the U.S. government, overthrew the legitimately elected government of Salvador Allende. During that US-supported coup and its immediate aftermath, General Pinochet’s security forces killed 1,260 Chileans through the end of 1973. Tens of thousands more were sent or fled into exile throughout the world, many of them after being tortured in General Pinochet's prisons. Almost 1,160 others were "disappeared" after being detained by agents of the Pinochet regime; they are presumed dead, because their remains have never been found.



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Interesting.  Why do you believe that this was with the encouragement, knowledge and assistance of the US government?

because the CIA have published documents about their involvement. they did not hide it... they were quite pleased with the result. 

Thanks, a link to these documents would be very helpful.

Kissinger and his cronies discussing the details years before

Report on CIA taskforce promoting a coup

all orchestrated by the loathesome Henry Kissinger

Thank you for posting these links.

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The Other 9/11, 51 Years Ago Today.

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