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A Change Of Genre From Movies, But What Is The Worst Book

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nailedit | 19:06 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

That you have ever read?

I can't give a 'best' book question as there have been many books that I've read a few times. And some that I simply couldnt finish so can't comment.


But the worst book that I have ever read (cover to cover) is the most sold in the world apparently. (Ironically, probably the least read)


Any ideas what it could be?




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? Bible

The Bible is actually 66 books.

"The Woman in White" by Wilkie Collins. Forced to read this at school

Finnegan's Wake.

"War and Peace", by Leo Tolstoy.

Harry Potter??

19.12 It contains 66 books but is known as The Bible and is the No. 1 best selling book.

I tried reading both Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller. Mind numbingly dull and not worth the paper they were unfortunately printed on. Avoid. Bruce Chatwin's The Songlines was not far behind. Never write a book when you are doped up. 

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman.  Well, I tell a lie.  I didn't read it.  I gave up half way through.  I could have been forgiven for thinking it had been written by a ten year old.  Dreadful!

2 books I could not get past the first page - Ulysses & Trainspotting.

Putting a book down and never being able to pick it up again doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, it may be not yo my taste. But yes, I did find Ulysses to be just the ramblings of an insane mind, and I decided it wouldn't take me with it.

It was so bad that I can't really remember the author or title.  Something on the lines of 'Portrait of the artist as a young horse' (no, not the Joyce, a Sean somebody).  I'll try to remember the 2nd worst and get back. :)

Dylan Thomas, Portrait of the artist as a young dog?

Sandy - thank you!  I had to write an essay on it and did so by reading the first 2, a middle pair and the last 2 chapters.   (Got an A!)  Now I'm older, perhaps it might mean more - but I found it unreadable at the time.

Charles Willeford, Kiss you ass goodbye.

I think a book about a donkey leaving home would've been more entertaining, but I finished it air port lounge throwaway type book.

Ulysees is worth persevering with. My first two attempts I gave up, but the 3rd time smashed it. Some remarkable observations on the human condition and it eventually makes sense

Tim Moore wrote a funny book, Travels with my ass, about a man who hires a donkey to carry his kit the 500 miles along the Camino in Spain.

The title was changed to travels with my donkey.

We Need to Talk About Kevin...what a hard slog, and I probably only read 15% of it. Maybe I didn't put enough effort in.

I rather enjoyed 'Kevin', pasta. It's definitely worth carrying on with to the end, where you find out what it's all been about.

seen the film - quite disturbing

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