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Sibsey Bowls Club - 30 September

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bluebell56 | 13:26 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

I is now 15 September so I am allowed to ask for help with my last one I am stuck on. Answer is a place name in the UK that ends in 'ton'.  It is No.27 Desert (10) The 'ton' is included in the 10 letters. Thank you everyone. 



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You're a star Toorak. Thank you. I was on the wrong track completely. Really appreciated. 

Pudding - a 'Desert' ?

I was on the wrong track too, Saharaston was the best I could do, Kalahariton was too long.

Dessert surely ?

Question Author

Yes did the setter miss an 's' out to catch us out!

... or else how about Sandhutton (Yorkshire)     

I suspect it was a sertter error 😐


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Sibsey Bowls Club - 30 September

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