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Germany Expands 'Emergency' Border Checks To Cover All Nine Neighbours

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webbo3 | 13:05 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
6 Answers

So much for Schengen.

Interior minister Nancy Faeser says measures are "intended to protect against the acute threat of Islamist extremist terrorism and serious cross-border crime".

Thats Islamist, I wonder what ideology those arriving by rubber boat follow




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id hazard a guess and say 90% are muslim, islamists ? we dont know, but coming in illegally says a lot for there cases as france is not a war zone, let alone all the other countries they passed through in europe, how many have an islamist agenda 5th columnist again we don't know, but all i see is trouble in the future, murders we have had here and in europe by said islamists..

Let's hope Starmer and his motley crew take note

Where are the human rights lawyers in Germany?The UK seems full of them.Why isnt Germany being dragged in front of the ECHR,and banned from doing this?

A country within the Schengen Area is allowed to restrict entry to that country for up to two year, if there are security risks.

Whoosh ^^^^^!

Better learning late than never.


But I thought the Germans were in control of the EU. Did they have a traitor in their midst ?

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Germany Expands 'Emergency' Border Checks To Cover All Nine Neighbours

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