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The Week 1431

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TioMateo | 10:47 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

I have logical answers to 3 clues, but cannot resolve the parsing.


1) Express poll, underlying support not changed (2,2) ?S?S.  AS IS = not changed, but...?


2) Fly first-class out of Belgium twice over (6)  ?S?T?E.  TSETSE is a fly, and is also TSE (twice over), but...?


3) Rock artist arranged musical suites (8)  ?A?T?T?S. PARTITAS are musical suites and is an anagram of ARTIST and PA.  WHy does PA or AP = Rock?



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3 P.A. = Personal Assistant = someone's "rock" ?

2 Best = first class, drop the B for Belgium (in Chambers).

Stinking cold so brain is fuzzy.

Can't see "express" unless it's an instruction to 'poll (remove top of) underlying support' - '(b)as is'

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Many thanks all of you.  I'm happy with 2 and 3, although I share L-iK's reservations about "Express".  I simply can't accept PA = Personal Assistant = Rock.  Can't anybody come up with a better analysis?

1A Maybe express = force out, and poll = head (both Chambers), so force out the head of basis?

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