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Characters In Children,S Tv/Literature

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iris123 | 20:11 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers

samaritans operation christmas child

characters in children's tv/literature

1 sounds like golf target of sticky substance (5)

2 noisy quarrel over loose rock (6, 6)

3 small change for prime minister ( 10 )

4 little room next to little room ( 5 , 3 )

5 do images pale some years at first ? ( 5 )

6 share body part with yokel (3 , 6 , 4 )



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4 Looby Loo.

1 Pingu

Good one, Elliemay!

5. Dipsy (first letters)

Thanks Tilly x

2.  Barney Rubble

6 mallyh previously suggested Mrs Potato Head 

6. Yes, go with that, as I thought it a while back, but didn't offer it.  

3. another one I didn't know if I should offer for consideration.

3 very iffy:

Tinkerbell? (Francis Bell was a New Zealand PM!)

Question Author

not sure heathcliff is a children's character, any other suggestions?

Tinker: //to make small changes to something, especially in an attempt to repair or improve it//

that sounds good elliemay1.


Thanks the Winner, I think it's a bit iffy!

thinking an answer is a bit iffy can stop us from offering it.  Sometimes, it sparks others to solving it. I think Tinkerbell is a good offer.

Thank you The Winner, Iris hasn't commented yet!

Question Author

Tinkerbell sounds good. Thanks everyone for your help.

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Characters In Children,S Tv/Literature

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