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Am Absoluteley Hammerred....

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nailedit | 22:28 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Due in n for a week long detox tomorrow.

dont know if i can do this again. 

I hate been chemical addicted, but just cannot stand life without. Also got a court case on the horizen, whch doesnt help. Waited 5 month for this but just seems a bit bit pointless now!




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What on earth do you expect us to say?  Getting really tiresome now.

Get yourself to your detox tomorrow: if you are successful it will be a mitigating factor in any future court case. Hoping it all goes well for you.

Agree with Toorak. Youve waited this long for this new detox date - make the most of it!

Well said Toorak.  Good luck Nailedit x

Good luck mate 🐨

C'mon, Nailedit! You can do this.

Best of luck!

Best wishes, Nailedit x

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Am Absoluteley Hammerred....

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