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Hazlinny | 12:48 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Having a tidy-up, I came across quite a pile of belts which I have worn through the years - narrow, broad, chain, plaited, etc.  Not sure but think broad belts are back in fashion - so ladies and gents, what is your favourite style of belt if you wear one?
No Douglas, don't mention chastity belt 😀



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Okay, I'll belt up.

I am only concerned with their ability to hold the rabbles up.

what about a belt instead of a really short skirt ? ( may need two  hair styles)

money belt

I was rifling through my drawers a couple of weeks ago and found a few belts. I threw them out as never wear them now. I kept one thin tan coloured one tgat still had a label on, so I thought I might keep just that one! 

I keep old belts - a nostalgic reminder of my previous waist measurement!

Recently bought a pair of braces.

Elasticated waists are defo the way to go 👍 

I wear a leather (probably faux) designer belt - but I've forgotten the designer name so rather an expensive white elephant 😁.

Probably a bit stupid an Octogenarian wearing Designer gear anyway.


Why? Octogenarians are allowed, indeed encouraged, to be smart and 'trendy' 😉

Not "mutton dressed up as lamb" then Vagus ?

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