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Cat And Rat

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tatty1 | 15:11 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

all answers have either CAT or RAT in the answer

7. brotherhood, clique (10)

25. greek restaurant (9)

30. lecture, preach (11)

31. 1 more copy than 29 (10)

29. carbon copy, (9) answered as duplicate.

33. birds do this (7)

35. fall to pieces, shatter (12)


for blood bikes, air ambulance, hospice, closing date 30 sept, thanks in advance



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7 FRATernity

35 DisintegRATe.

31 Triplicate

30 PontifiCATe

33 migrate

25 Trattoria would work, but I think that's Italian?

It is Italian - I suspect it is a setter's error

Thanks, Toorak.  I checked Chambers and only Italian was mentioned.

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