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Harris Has Got A Shooter.......and She Ain't Afraid To Use It.....

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ToraToraTora | 08:26 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
9 Answers

What do we think people? I assume she'd normally invite the intruder in for a nice cup of organic peace coffee but now she has to attract any wavering republicans........



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a democrat in 2024 is approximately a republican in 2010 with a few fringe exceptions... that is how far politics has shifted to the right in the USA. not surprised at all.

What's the figures I saw - average 3 guns per household but 1/2 don't have guns, so that's 6 guns per household that have them.

Bit of a waste if you're not prepared to use them...

40,000 dead - but 22,000 were suicides so that's ok🙄

what do we think - it is lawful in some states to shoot trespassers in your home

I bet she was thinking of Nancy Pelosi and HER home invasion

quite peter. and the january 6 attack. 

40,000 dead - but 22,000 were suicides so that's ok

reviewed in the New England Journal a few weeks back. 22k were mainly men ( of course) and mature ( over fifty). Shot gun deaths in 12-15 y olds overtook death from RTA, but has fallen back

and really had nothing to say to us, - 22 / 208 firearm murders in the last year

She doesn't want to alienate gun owners.

I'd guess she has secret service bodyguards who'd do any gunfights if necessary.

She'll have SS bodyguards of at least the same competance as the ones that let snipers get two shots at Trump.

yeah -  foo - she got a gun precisely because the protection squad WEREN'T doing their stuff

In fact ( hahaha why do we need them on AB?) Trump had gibbed " she will take away your guns" and she countered with well no I have one actually

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