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Anyone Feel Sorry For Them ?

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
62 Answers

The Super Rich have made fortunes in the UK and now they are fleeing the UK for their Tax Havens.According to a "Migration Consultancy" which helps the rich shuffle their fortunes around to avoid paying tax.9,500 millionares will leave the UK this year because of The new Labour Government chasing them for tax. Well done Sir Keir.



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johny - these super-rich have more money than they know what to do with except keep counting it. What they don't like is people taking it off them and will go to any lengths to stop that.
12:36 Sat 21st Sep 2024

So now they will be contributing ££zero to the treasury.

Well done, Sir Keir.🙄

Well done for chasing money out of the country?  You do have a very wonky grasp on finance, gulliver.

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Under 14 years of the Tories mismanagement of Govt the super rich saw their wealth boom to a point of 3,000,000 millionaires who the Tories helped make their pile of gold without paying hardly any or no tax at all....Now it's pay back time .

To most ABers – tax is something only the poor people pay.

Gulliver, regardless of where they invest their money the rich will still be rich.  Without them the country will suffer what you call 'pay back'.  No money, no enterprise, no jobs.  That shouldn't be too difficult even for you to understand.                                                                                                                    

Hymie, do get a grip. 

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They will now go and spend their time on sun-soaked patios telling the World the Country they love has gone to the dogs because Labour have taken over and the Rich will have to start paying tax alongside the poor and the working class.And they can no longer "Rule Britannia"🤣

"Anyone Feel Sorry For Them ?" - I feel sorry for the poor saps that will have to pick up the slack because the tax take will be a lot lower.  Why are Labour so thick?

Would you like to see a return to the gold old days, under Labour, when the highest earners could expect to pay 83% of their income in taxes?

This is what drove most of the high-earners out of the country in the first place...

So when are you coming back Gulliver?

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Most. or if not all of these tax dogers who got away avoiding tax thanks to the hand in glove Tory Govt of the day . Will be heading off to the British Virgin Islands which has no income tax and no capital gains tax...Good riddance to these parasites.

//the Rich will have to start paying tax alongside the poor and the working class.//


The rich have always paid tax - but they won't be paying anything in future because they're not here.  

I think what we are all missing is that to real Labour "tax" is a weapon to use against prosperity. You have the audacity to better yourself we'll punish you. The Fiscal validity doesn't come into it.

I DO feel sorry for them that are being forced to leave the country purely because of the envy & vindictiveness of Labour.

I'm sure they would prefer to stay in Britain, pay reasonable taxes & create jobs. But they will do OK wherever they decide to live.

naomi: "The rich have always paid tax - but they won't be paying anything in future because they're not here.  " - yes and they employ people and buy things all more tax not going in the pot. Well done Labour, you have just increased the burden on the standard rate tax payer.

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Wonder which Country the Pimlico Plumber  with the Halloween face will choose ? As he prepares to set sail saying . I refuse to pay  a penny of my fortune to this Labour Govt. Should lock them up now until they have paid all taxes due ...Don't let them escape until they have.

From where do you collect these statistics gulliver ? ..

9,500 millionares will leave the UK this year because of The new Labour Government chasing them for tax.  Crystal ball ?


Under 14 years of the Tories mismanagement of Govt the super rich saw their wealth boom to a point of 3,000,000 millionaires

That means approximately one in 20 of the population are/were millionaires ... really?

They speak of little else in Barnsley.

They won't be going anywhere. They know which side their bread is buttered. Just because they will not be getting the winter fuel allowance anymore!

Am I Right ?

I'm Not Wrong !


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Perhaps some of these super rich will join Jim Davidson who fled to Dubai in 2024 in protest at having to pay tax under Tony Blair.And now he is broke ..or so he says.

//Jim Davidson who fled to Dubai in 2024 in protest at having to pay tax under Tony Blair.//


You sure about that, gulliver?  

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