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Telegraph 30 725

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sandyRoe | 12:59 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

16d Beat to stir up dancing(8). O?t?t?I?.

28a Remove 100 sitting in European plane(5) E?e??.



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16d Outstrip - anag 'to stir up'28a Eject - 'C' (100, in) 'E(uropean) jet'
13:01 Sat 21st Sep 2024
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Outstrip.  Just seen it

16d Outstrip - anag 'to stir up'
28a Eject - 'C' (100, in) 'E(uropean) jet'

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26 d Briefly train boss(4) 

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Stud, I think 


Yes - Stud(y; briefly)

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Telegraph 30 725

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