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Does Anyone Else Miss The Twice Yearly Rainbow Charity Puzzles?

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naomi24 | 13:14 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

I miss them a lot.  The organisers did a great job and after years of enjoying its often brain-bending clues I was very sorry to see it go.  The best puzzle ever and I don't know of anything that compares.   I've put this here rather than in quizzes & puzzles because it's neither.  Just a bit of natter, nonsense, and reminiscing really.



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Yes naomi it was brilliant and raised so much money for charity. 

I agree, they were good fun.

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It did, ellie.  I don't know what the final total was but it was many, many thousands of pounds.

I miss them, too.

Did them for many years almost since the start.

Nothing like their calibre now. The compilers were even older than me so, obviously, got too much for them I only do cryptic and, mainly, no asking ones. 

Question Author

They were so good at constructing those clues, weren't they gill.  Really clever - often so complex - other times so simple - once you got the answer.  I remember one like that in particular.  The theme was transport and the clue 'Sixteen'.  I puzzled for ages and then the penny dropped.  Four by four.  Derrr ...

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Does Anyone Else Miss The Twice Yearly Rainbow Charity Puzzles?

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