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Face The Music

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hellywelly4 | 21:37 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers

BBC 4 21.25. I was delighted to watch this tonight - one of my favourite programmes of the 1970s with Joyce Grenfell, Robin Ray and Richard Baker. 




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^^^ Grrr!Click 'Watch on Youtube'.
21:48 Mon 23rd Sep 2024

Another dose here (from two years earlier), if you want it, HW4.
(The video starts with a tribute to the programme, with the archive recording commencing at the 10:30 marker):

^^^ Grrr!

Click 'Watch on Youtube'.

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Thank you. I'll see if I can get it tomorrow - never done YouTube before.

I think I preferred 'My Music' on the good old Home Service:

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Don't remember that one. Will have to google it. I can see Frank Muir and Dennis Norden and, I think, Steve Race.

Its been wonderful - still going on, dummy keyboard round -  just finishing.

That was 'proper' TV - I never missed 'Call My Bluff' either. I have to admit that I was in love with Frank Muir from the age of 9 when he and Denis Norden battled it out in 'My Word' - I was home for lunch from Juniorschool and if I stood at the door, ready, I could just hearthe punch lines to the stories before I bust a gut sprinting up to school in order to get there for 1.00p.m. and registration.

Something precious has been lost. 

Fans of both 'My Word' and 'My Music' can find all of the programmes here:

Thank you Buen.  It's really not as fun these days. x

I used to love Face the Music, such highly knowledgeable participants whose sometime eccentricity could be very entertaining.  

I never once got a question right myself 😁


They've also been showing old Call My Bluffs, with Frank Muir and Patrick Campbell the captains.  Makes me think of my mum and dad watching with me.  

Ah yes, gentler times

Robin Ray was a sort of concert pianist and certainly knew his Chopin.  - as well as everything else

I  remember seeing him on HOW? 1965, where they had the orchestral backing

and he sat down at the piano  as a 'walk in' and belted out the piano part - bashed out the part on the Joanna

and the interviewee said 'christ that's  not bad'


I loved all those programmes. It's nice to revisit 

Robin Ray, who was a very entertaining showoff, (he once wore a kaftan), related how he was taken to the newly-built Royal Festival Hall in London in 1951 where he sat on the stage (with an aunt?), and heard a piano recital given by the Chliean pianist Claudio Arrau. 

Improbable as it may seem, I sat on the stage with an aunt to hear Arrau play ... . 

Wasn't Robin Ray the son of Ted Ray the comedian?

Indeed he was. I watched Call My Bluff and really enjoyed it. Memories of yesteryear! I started watching FTM but quickly got bored, unfortunately. Unlike years ago, when it was on. I used to watch it regularly. I actually got the right answer to the first question last night, about the cities and the composer, London and Elgar. Thought I'd quit while I was ahead!

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