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Conservative Competition Continues...

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ToraToraTora | 19:12 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Politics
5 Answers

apologies but we do have a thorough process, the next PM will be knows soon enough.




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I can recall shortly after the 2019 general Election, a certain ABer boasting that the Tories would be forming the next government too, as to lose would require a record vote swing to Labour.


However he did not take into account the staggering corruption/incompetence/dishonesty of the Tories.


If they ever want to be in power again, the Tories will have to ditch their unwavering belief in Brexit – this will upset the swivel-eyed-loons within the party (of which there are many).

So the Tory knuckle draggers are trying to work out who will be their next Kamikaze leader.

we turn to history for the tortured process we have.

1956 - dark smoke filled room. Mac after Eden.Covered in the Crown. A lot of " who asked us"

1962 Alec douglas home - more "who asked us?"

changed by Humphrey Barkleuy - no not the band leader - to be more inclusive - crtainly more arcane

and THAT was found to be wanting so William Hague changed it all around 1997

and was on the readio this am R4 saying that his way was no  good and they needed a new election system for the tory head

However he did not take into account the staggering corruption/incompetence/dishonesty of the Tories

Change Tories to Labber and you have Rosie Duffield's resignation speech

seeking power and avarice beyond belief - I think

La plus ca change - oopsie, forrin language the mods will be after me - the ploo it is the same thing

The Tories are Doomed I tell you Doomed.

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