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nicebloke1 | 20:19 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Internet
5 Answers

I ordered and got a new debit card 3 weeks ago due to my other one cracking. I activated it on the same day in the normal way, in turn it cancels the old one regardless that the expiry date had not run out. The new one obviously has a new expiry date 2029. I've purchased 4 items on ebay without changing any debit card details ie expiry date and all purchases have gone though and been paid. My problem ( mobile phone top up) it wont go through. I've tried time and time again to up date the the card online today and it will go through to a certain degree put it still keeps showing the old expiry date, so in other words it will not up date. Any thoughts because its driving me nuts. :0(



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1. Try clearing your web browser's cache and cookies ;

2. Try using a different web browser ;

3. Try calling your mobile phone service provider's helpline.


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Thanks will try in morning  got sick of trying to sort it this afternoon.

Instead of selecting the option to update your card choose the option to add a new card and re-enter your card details. This should work if not contact the phone company.

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^^ Thank you, have done that over and over in case the site was not working to well, still no joy. The only other thing I can think of is that the old card runs out Oct 24, the new card runs out Oct 29. I was thinking maybe its confusing the system and won't update until Nov 1st???? Still dont explain why ebay purchases have gone through without updating card.??

Some companies use  continuous authorisations ( or auto pay), so even if the card details change the payments can be forced through . This could be employed by eBay to stop people ordering goods then stopping their cards and not paying.  It might not be the reason but the only one I can think of at the moment.

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