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Looks Like The Tories Are Finished

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youngmafbog | 15:48 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | News
39 Answers

Well certainly from the MP's voting.

Tugendhat out, Clevery(or not as the case is) wins the most and Badenoch last.

Given that Badenoch appears to be the member favourite if the MP's dont put her forward then I think they may well be toast.

If Cleverly wins thye are finished.  He is not a Tory.



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I have met Cleverly, he is not up to the job.

-- answer removed --

"Given that Badenoch appears to be the member favourite if the MP's dont put her forward then I think they may well be toast."

The last Tory leadership hopeful that the Tory faithful vote for was Liz Truss, so perhaps we shouldn't give too much weight to their views.

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//so perhaps we shouldn't give too much weight to their views.//

I know you prefer a dictatorship but really?


"I know you prefer a dictatorship but really?"


How can I ask this without incurring the wrath of the Ed...are you...nope...can't do it.

YMB; You really ought to consider not using insults as a way of persuading people to agree with you. (Just a bit of friendly advice).


In fairness to YMB, I don't think he meant to be insulting - it looks like he was trying to get a bit of a reaction to start a flame war.

It happens all the time in the News section. Time to turn on the sprinklers!



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Not meant to be insulting, you should know me by now SP.

But what you are suggesting is that the membership should not be allowed their favourite.  That is very dictorial and "I know best".  Is that really the way you think a Party should operate?

Time to turn on the sprinklers!

let the light rain of peace - fall on the just and unjust ( not sjakey, Matthew apparently)

Well at least Jenrick claims to want to leave the ECHR. Has to count for something.



Reread my response she tell me where I accused you of being insulting.

My point is that the Tory membership aren't necessarily the best at picking leaders - and a doctorship is not the alternative to this. Putting the vote to MPs is the alternative.

...and that's where happening.

That is very dictorial and "I know best"

yup typical of the Tories- the GE Boris the blessed won,

Boris commissars had toured th realm checking that the Tory candidate favoured their man - and if not, they were deselected

Reread my response she tell me where I accused you of being insulting.

god it sounds as tho he favours my grammar

I reread my response. Tell me where I accused you of being insulting.

Labour’s poll lead over Tories falls to one point

Poll, conducted between Oct 5 and 7, puts Labour on 29 per cent of the vote and Conservatives on 28 per cent

Telegraph. now


It may be down but can you imagine how voting intentions might be impacted when a minority of the Tory faithful realise  someone with dreadlocks has been voted as their leader!

Hardly bears thinking about eh?

(Just in case anyone thinks I don't know the difference between braids and locks - I do, but the Ed has yet to install the long-requested sarcasm button on this site).

The members may not necessarily be the best at selecting a leader, the an elitest system where only MPs are allowed to vote doesn't necessarily result in a good choice either. Mixing the two, does that make it less or more risky ?

Dreadlocks, schmedlocks  - vot's it matter ?


We have a mix of the two already don't we?

Members of the Tory party (at least those that didn't vote tactically) vote for their representatives to go to the chamber and vote on their behalf.

The whole point of the process is that the MPs have to be able to support their leader.  For example, if 90% of the MPs want to stay in the ECHR, and 90% of the members want to leave the ECHR, and the ECHR is really important to both the MPs and the members, then the party is screwed - those members should not have elected those MPs in the first place if that policy was so important.  The process is designed to do what it is doing - getting a leader that the MPs can rally around.  That is the nature of a representative democratic process. Like it or lump it.

Representative? Righto etc.

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