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Is There A Tool?

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brainiac | 13:00 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | Home & Garden
14 Answers

Separating the two courtyards where I live there are three metal posts to stop people driving through.  The posts are about 3ft high and 2 inches in diameter and fit into metal holders fixed in the ground.

Over time, courtyard gravel has got into the holders (the posts can be lifted out of them) and so now the posts don't fit fully into the sockets.  Does anyone know of a tool that will get the gravel out of the holders so the posts are all the same correct height?


A while back a builder working nearby said there is, but I have no idea what to look for !



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Have you got a wet/dry or outdoor vac? Would that do it without tools on the end of the pipe?

I thought that was a leading question about our dear leader!

But back to the topic, what diameter are the posts and how deep are the holes?

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Don't think it would be strong enough, barry - there's water then about 3 or 4 inches of gravel in the holders.  Very frustrating!

Do you anyone with a Henry, that would suck it out.

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The posts are about 2 inches in diameter and should fit about 6 or 7 inches into the metal holders

Length of mains lead might be a problem for a vacuum cleaner.

Some years ago I needed to turn my water off in the road to change the stop-cock in the house. When I opened up the hole in the street I found the  hole had filed up with sand over the years. I tied an old spoon to a brush handle and tediously dug it out. If you haven't got an old spoon you can use a new one but it wil lbe an old one when you've finished.

Had I still been working I could have made an Archimedes screw device, to pull it out.

I think you will need to rent an Industrial vac.  My SiL has one and its pretty powerful.  Go down the hire shop and ask what they have that could do it.  Bit expensive to buy.

You may find a min gully grab scoop but the ony ones I have seen are bigger than 2"


Start with an old knife, a putty knife or an old spoon or something similar. Scrape as much gravel out, with the knife or old spoon, as you can. To remove what's left, soak a cloth in water and push it into the socket. Stir it around with a stick or a screwdriver, and pick the remainder out like that. Best of luck. It's going to be a fiddly job.

Find a willing child.

...and poke him/her down the hole, eh, Canary42? Should be fun!

Something like this if you can get one small enough.  Gulley grab.



I do mine with a jet wash.

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